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  • 產品名稱:HumanscFvAntiCEAcloneE8(CarcinoEmbryonicantigen)

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  • 產品廠商:DIATHEVA
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Specificity The antibody recognizes an external epitope shared by CEACAM 1,3,5, CEA protein family
Characteristics Human scFv anti CEA clone E8 was selected from human ETH-2 library (Neri et al.) using Carcino Embrionic tumor associate Antigen (CEA) which is expressed on several cancer types including high malignant melanoma, breast and colon carcinomas.ScFv Anti CEA clone E8 contains: a phosphorylation site for labelling with radioactive P- 32, a FLAG-tag sequence for detecting with the anti-FLAG-tag M2 antibody, the (His)6 sequence, the recognition site for the endopeptidase enterokinase.
Purification >90% estimated by analysis of Comassie blue stained SDS - PAGE Purified by metal affinity chromatography
Alternative Name CEA
Research Area Cancer
Application Notes Optimal working dilution should be determined by the investigator.
Restrictions For Research Use only
Format Liquid
Buffer Stabilized with 10?% glycerol and 1.5 mM EDTA.
Storage 4 °C