  • 產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):Z-LEED-FMK(Caspase-13Inhibitor)

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:KamiyaBiomedical
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Purpose Irreversible caspase-13 inhibitor?
Sequence Z-Leu-Glu(OMe)-Glu(OMe)-Asp(OMe)-CH2F, Z-LEED-FMK
Chemical Name Z-Leu-Glu(OMe)-Glu(OMe)-Asp(OMe)-FMK
Formula C??H??FN?O??
Solubility Soluble in both DMSO and water.
Molecular Weight 696.5 Da

Lyophilized solid. Peptide-fluoromethyl ketone inhibitor of Caspases-13. The CH2F (fluoromethyl ketone) inhibitor has several advantages over other types of derivatives: Penetrates cell membranes, Not toxic to cells, Irreversible inhibition.
Dissolve the Caspase-13 Inhibitor in DMSO before use. It is important that dry, good quality DMSO be used.

For use on intact cells:
1. Prepare desired concentrated stock solutions as follows:
in 21μl DMSO = 20 mM
in 43μl DMSO = 10 mM
in 86μl DMSO = 5 mM, etc.

2. Add 2 μl of above stock solution to 1 ml culture medium containing cells such that the fμl DMSO concentration is 0.2%. Levels of DMSO above this may cause some cellular toxicity, thus masking the effect of the Caspase-13 protease inhibitor. Adding 2 μl of a 10 mM stock solution to 1 ml of culture medium gives a final Z-LEED-FMK concentration of 20 μM. Typical final concentrations are 5 - 20 μM.

For extended use in vivo and in vitro:
For experiments extending 12 to 48 hours, fresh inhibitor may have to be added (injected) due to inactivation of the inhibitor by endogenous cysteine proteases.

Restrictions For Research Use only
Format Lyophilized
Storage RT