  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:phosphorylase,Glycogen,Brain(GPBB) ELISA Kit

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:國內(nèi)供應(yīng)3
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phosphorylase,Glycogen,Brain(GPBB) ELISA Kit
Detection Method Colorimetric
Characteristics Mus musculus,Mouse,Glycogen phosphorylase, brain form,Pygb,
Alternative Name Pygb (GPBB ELISA Kit Abstract)
Pathways Cellular Glucan Metabolic Process
Sample Volume 100 μL
Plate Pre-coated
Restrictions For Research Use only
Storage 4 °C/-20 °C
Storage Comment The Standard, Detection Reagent A, Detection Reagent B and the 96-well strip plate should be stored at -20 °C upon being received. The other reagents can be stored at 4 °C.